W E L C O M E !


So you just arrived, Welcome! – The Belgian government has a detailed website with all the information you will need. In the meantime, we have worked to summarize some of the most pressing concerns so that you may better navigate this process with speed and ease.




  • According the Belgin government, “Ukrainian citizens are usually not subject to a visa requirement. Therefore, you can legally stay in Belgium for three months. You have to register your arrival at the municipality of your place of residence.”

  • The immigration office states: “Ukrainian citizens with biometric passports can enter and stay for 90 days in Belgium without a visa” with a possible extension up to a maximum of 180 days if there is no possibility to return safely home. Be sure to follow this link for more info in order to register with the local municipality. Again, it is mandatory for all Ukranians to declare their arrival, regardless of visa status. Follow this link to gain more info concerning this step: https://dofi.ibz.be/en/themes/ukraine/short-stay-90-days-maximum

    Click here for information about temporary protection status: https://dofi.ibz.be/en/themes/ukraine/temporary-protection

  • Once having registered with the local municipality, you wil lreceive a document titled: Declaration of arrival.

    Beyond this, it is possible to apply for Temporary Protection status (link above)


  • Belgium has set up a specific path for the registration and the reception of Ukrainian nationals, which can be found at this address:

    Palais 8, Brussels Expo at Heizel (Rue du Verregat, 1020 Brussels).

    Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 5 pm and on Saturday from 8.30 am to 1 pm. Registration is not possible on Sundays.

    Find information regarding emergency accommodation for 1-2 nights here: https://info-ukraine.be/en/assistance-belgium/i-need-place-stay

  • You must have a legal guardian here in order to stay if you are under 18 (Belgium will assign one if necessary- but this can take time)

    More info: https://info-ukraine.be/en/assistance-belgium/children-and-youth/i-am-here-without-my-parents

  • When you are in Belgium and your child has gone missing or when you are in Ukraine and your child has never arrived on Belgian territory like you planned it then you can always contact Child Focus on 116 000 (free number) or if you are at abroad on +32 2 475 44 99 (paid call). This emergency line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


  • Free medical care is available upon registration

    Follow these steps (from Medical Care Website for Ukrainians in Belgium):

    Register yourself at the registration centre of the Immigration Office. You will then receive a temporary protection certificate.

    Register with a sickness fund. You can find a list of sickness funds here.

    If you are registered with a sickness fund, you can consult a general practitioner, dentist or another health care provider for medical care.

    Much of these details cannot be summarized and vary by situation. If you are concerned about medical care upon reaching Belgium from Ukraine, we urge you to consult the above links.

  • If you are confronted with a legal problem, you have access to a lawyer through the system of legal assistance. ( Legal Assistance )

    If you have a problem regarding your stay (temporary protection), you can contact the legal assistance bureau of your local bar (see addresses below). In this case you will be deemed to lack sufficient resources and the legal assistance bureau will appoint a lawyer who will help you for free. You must fill in a form and provide a document that proves your identity. The lawyer can call on a translator if necessary.

    Any other legal problem (family dispute, housing litigation, etc.) can be addressed via the legal assistance bureau. They will examine if you fulfil the financial requirements to benefit from free or partly free legal assistance.

    Contact the legal assistance bureau of your place of residence:

    For Wallonia and Brussels (French-speaking): www.avocats.be/fr/bureaux-daide-juridique-baj

    For Flanders and Brussels (Dutch-speaking): advocaat.be/vlaamse-balies

  • Belgian banks will walk you through these steps. Follow the link for specific information about banking for refugees and asylum seekers: Banking Info for Refugees and Asylum Seekers.

For further information on what you need to know visit https://dofi.ibz.be/en/themes/ukraine